Teeth Whitening

Why Should I Consider a Teeth Whitening Procedure?

You only have one chance to make a first impression when meeting someone new, whether in a social or professional situation, and your smile can be the difference between success and failure. Unfortunately, your teeth become naturally stained with age, with regular consumption of coffee or tea, and other habits such as smoking. For these and many other reasons, a smile’s aesthetic appearance is one of the leading concerns for individuals of all ages today.

We Offer In-Office and Take-Home Systems

If your teeth are not as white as you wish they were and you would like to try teeth whitening in Hickory, NC, you have come to the right place. At Compass Dental, we are proud to offer teeth whitening as part of our succession of cosmetic solutions. We love when patients leave our office and show the world their beautiful smiles. Our professional teeth whitening systems are available in-office and at home, depending on your preferences:

  • In-office – A specialized whitening solution is applied onto your teeth and activated by a whitening light, making your teeth several shades whiter within one hour.
  • Take-home – Custom-made whitening trays filled with a whitening solution are worn for 30 minutes over a 2-week period to significantly whiten your teeth.

Trust an Expert When It Comes to Whitening Your Teeth

Although there are numerous teeth whitening options available at your local drugstore – including strips, trays and toothpastes – they do not guarantee timely and high-quality results. Unlike these over-the-counter solutions, professional teeth whitening removes not only surface stains but also deep stains below the tooth enamel for perfect, long-lasting results. Additionally, the hydrogen peroxide content in the whitening substance may irritate your gums and render your teeth sensitive to heat and cold. Only a qualified dentist like Dr. Sigmon can assess your specific situation and determine whether whitening is the appropriate solution for you.

To learn more about teeth whitening in Hickory, NC, please do not hesitate to call or email us at Compass Dental today. Our team at Compass Dental are ready to help you regain your confidence with a brighter, whiter smile!